Create The Life You Want With Your Words


Create The Life You Want With Your Words

So, I believe that I am magical. How you ask? Well, I believe that I have the power to create the life I want with my words. We do it every day subconsciously, we speak words that either build or tear down. I remember some years ago (I won’t say how many) lol… I had a revelation when I was reading the Old Testament about the creation and how God spoke everything into existence. He said “Let there be” and there was. Then He created man in His image and gave man the same power as He had. As I read a little further, I read that you have the power of life and death in your mouth. Now, I was a little younger and a lot less wise back then but the one thing I knew is that made sense to me.

I began to be very careful with my words, I only wanted to speak life over myself. I wanted to build and not destroy, so I started to speak positively about myself no matter what my situation was. I also want to build others as well so I would say positive things to and about them, I tried to get others to jump on my band wagon…but that’s a different blog post…lol.

I began to speak what I wanted for my life and things started to happen. I remember telling a friend that I was going to get a car and she said ok. She knew at the time that I did not have a job or money to buy a car and she reminded me of that. I looked at her and told her that I wasn’t sure of where I would get the money or the car for that matter but what I knew was that I was going to get one. I kept telling people that I was going to get a car and I believed that it would happen and there was nothing anyone could say to change that. A few weeks later, I got a job and as I rode that train back and forth to work every day I was filled with gratitude and thankfulness for the job and the car I was going to get. After a month of working and saving my money, I walk several blocks to a little car dealership and purchased my first car.

From that day to where I am in my life now I believed I could manifest whatever I thought, spoke and dreamed of. It really isn’t anything magical at all, it’s just the law of attraction at work but I choose to believe that I am magically creating the life I want with every word that I speak.


About author

Dr. Tonya

Co-Founder of the Center for Social Emotional Wellness

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