Lifelong Stress Relief for Teachers


Lifelong Stress Relief for Teachers and Everyone!

As we wind up this month’s Wellness Challenge, I want to leave you with one huge reason to continue Walking as a consistent habit in your life:  It Reduces STRESS and helps you to feel more PEACEFUL and even Happy!

Life can be tough. There will be ups and downs. Blessings and Losses. Exuberant Joys and Excruciating Losses.  Fortunately, most of us can recall, during the tough times, that “This Too Shall Pass.”  But I know, very well, that when you are in the thick of a struggle, it can sometimes be difficult to remember that or to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

So, I want to encourage you to make Walking a consistent habit.
When you’re feeling Stressed Out —–>    Take a WALK
When you’re Angry —–>    Take a WALK
When your Heart is Broken —–>    Take a WALK
When you’ve Lost Your Way —–>    Take a WALK
When you’re struggling with Grief —–>    Take a WALK
When you don’t know what else to do…   —–>    Take a WALK

Ok, I get it.  You don’t just wanna take my word for it.  Let me back up this recommendation with some Research and Tips from Experts…

1. Walking triggers a state of Involuntary Attention. A recent study in the United Kingdom found that walking – especially in “green areas” like parks or forests, puts your brain into a calm and meditative state. In this kind of state, your extremely intelligent brain can hold attention on the tasks at hand, appreciate the surroundings, benefit from the physical exertion, while simultaneously allow for deep reflection.
2. Walking, especially outdoors, relieves stress and improves brain function. There are many research studies that show how effective walking is to reducing the impact of stress on your mind and body, as well as how it improves your memory and attention. In fact, your memory and attention can be enhanced by up to 20 percent by taking a walk outside!
3. Walking releases Endorphins. What does this do? When we our stressed, our bodies enter a state of fight-or-flight. Our bodies react to this state by releasing Cortisol, the stress hormone designed to enhance our survival. It serves a purpose, but if we live with stress for a long period of time, it is detrimental to our health and wellbeing – both of our minds and our bodies.  Endorphins help to reduce stress hormones and return us to a more peaceful state. They actually help to reduce symptoms of depression, improve mood, and enhance self esteem.
4. Walking Reduces Fatigue and Boosts Overall Wellbeing.  Several studies show that by incorporating a consistent walking routine can reduce fatigue by up to 65 percent, and increase energy levels by about 20 percent!
5.  Walking Likely Mitigates Side Effects and Symptoms of Cancer and other Debilitating Illnesses.  Walking 20 minutes per day at least 3 times per week has been proven to mitigate fatigue in cancer patients and those fighting other diseases. As it helps enhance mood and wellbeing, it is believed to help people shift their outlook to a more positive one, thereby enhancing their healing and perception of their current battle in life.

Experts in the medical field have reported that taking a brisk 20-30 minute walk has the same effect on our bodies and mental state as a mild tranquilizer, but without the potential side effects!

Another study showed that implementing “Meditative Walking” – in which participants used a simple technique during their walks. They simply counted their foot steps and visualized each number in their minds eye as they said it aloud or quietly. Each time their minds went off-course, they just said, “OK” and started back over – one, two, one, two, one, two….   Those in this group (as opposed to the group who did not incorporate it) found that they experienced significant reduction in their levels of anxiety, fewer negative thoughts and feelings about themselves, and more positive thoughts and feelings about themselves and others. What’s more – these results were evident after just ONE session, and grew stronger throughout the 16 week study.

We hope you’ll find (or have found already throughout this Challenge!) the same types of amazing results from embracing a walking routine. I have no doubt that it will help you get through some of the battles you will face during life. 


Keep Steppin’!

About author

Dr. Tonya

Co-Founder of the Center for Social Emotional Wellness

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