Relate, Relax, Release


Relate, Relax, Release



When you have had a long drawn out week and you are holding on by a thread, you need to know how to relate, relax and release. I like to call it, 3R therapy…lol. I also like to add a few extra dashes of the relax and release to the mix. I do this by taking a weekly detox bath.

What’s a detox bath and how is it any different from any other bath you have taken, you may ask? A detox bath is a self-care ritual that I have added to my life. It’s time that I set aside just for me, lock everyone out, turn off my phone and unplug from the world for about 60 minutes. Surely, you are worth 60 minutes, right?

You need a few things to truly make this a detox bath. Baking soda, Epson Salt, Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), some lavender or peppermint essential oil and Ginger.

Here is how I do my ritual and I encourage you to create your own rituals. I set the mood by finding some relaxing music, light candles and incense, make a cup of herbal tea and/or a large glass of ice water. I fill the tub with water as hot as can stand it and add about 2 -3 cups of baking soda and my essential oil to the tub and submerge myself for 45 – 60 minutes allowing the stress from the week to melt away. I also use this as a time to meditate.

Once you are done bring your awareness back to the room, stand up slowly and towel dry and relax for the rest of the night.

Here are some of my favorite combinations to use for my detox baths.



Be well,

Wendy Featherston

About author

Dr. Tonya

Co-Founder of the Center for Social Emotional Wellness

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